is ijoba lande married to aunty ramota?

June 15, 2024 | by

I wote about Aunty ramota biography: age, career, family, husband, net worth days back thus using Ijoba lande as her husband. There has been a lot of speculations online asking the fact if its real or not. Due to this controversy online, I was able to take my time, thus, drafting this blog post and saying everything about this.

The Story of Her Relationship with Ijoba Lande

For years, one of the most well-known and discussed relationships in the Nigerian social media space has been between the popular Instagram personality known as Aunty Ramota and her so-called “online husband”, a man named Ijoba Lande. While they have never legally married, their playful online dynamic and banter has endeared them to many fans who have followed their journey. But how did it all begin?

As the story goes, Aunty Ramota first came online in the late 2000s to join family and friends in the growing world of internet forums and Facebook. A single mother at the time focusing on raising her children, Aunty Ramota’s bubbly personality and humorous take on everyday life resonated with many. Soon, she amassed a huge following, becoming one of Nigeria’s original influencers before the term even existed.

In one of her earlier Facebook videos from 2010, Ramota casually mentioned in Yoruba that she was tired of living the single life and hoped to find a man to cook and clean for her. Little did she know that simple wish would change her internet fame forever. Around the same time, Ijoba Lande was coming into his own as an up-and-coming comedian, gaining success through humorous Youtube skits and parodies.

One day in 2012, Lande happened to come across Ramota’s video expressing her desire to not be single anymore. Finding kinship in her carefree spirit, he left a flirty comment suggesting they get “married”. Ramota laughed it off at first but was charmed by Lande’s persistent virtual courtship in the comments. Thus began their playful online relationship, with Lande leaving jokes and pickup lines beneath Ramota’s posts as flirty fans egged them on.

Through their back-and-forth online romance built for audience entertainment, Ramota and Lande’s charming synergy was undeniable. While just friends at first, their connection blossomed into something their supporters found truly heartwarming to witness. Lande’s caring compliments gave Ramota confidence to share more of her life openly. Her warm and caring nature also brought Lande’s soft side out in return.

Over the years, their camaraderie evolved from occasional social media interactions into deep friendship and a reliance on each other for encouragement. Despite living in different cities with responsibilities taking priority over putting a label on things, Ramota and Lande’s bond was as strong as any married couple’s. She supported his comedy goals while he gave Ramota strength through difficult times like health issues.

Interestingly, Ramota has often made the point that she’s perfectly content being single rather than dealing with the commitments of real marriage. But that hasn’t stopped her and Lande from carrying out faux wedding ceremonies on Instagram live for their delighted followers. During the Covid-19 lockdowns, their lighthearted videos together provided much-needed laughter and intimacy to isolated fans.

While not conventionally paired, Aunty Ramota and Ijoba Lande have broken norms by showing relationships come in many healthy forms. The love, trust and partnership they have built establishes them as role models proving you don’t need a ring or legal papers for a meaningful commitment. Most of all, they remind us that finding humor and levity together can be the secret to a happy lifetime.

Even amongst her stern puritan critics claiming she’s living in sin, Ramota is unbothered. For her, following societal rules was never the point – living freely and bringing joy to others is what really matters. And she’s doing just that alongside Lande in their own way. Their story shows love can be whatever we make of it when we open our eyes to alternatives beyond surface ideals. As long as two consenting souls support each other like Ramota and Lande, the rest is just details.

Where their journey goes from here remains unwritten. But one thing is clear – Aunty Ramota, and indeed everyone, deserves to find their own definition of happiness. May she and Ijoba Lande continue inspiring others to do just that through their heartwarming online romance for many chapters to come.


In conclusion, while Aunty Ramota and Ijoba Lande have never officially wed, their bond demonstrates that marriage is not the only path to a deep partnership. Over the past decade, their playful “relationship” has brought laughter and light to many online while establishing them as pioneers in redefining modern connections. Beyond labels, they have built a foundation of sincerity, commitment and compassion through consistent care, support, humor and understanding of each other’s desires.

Most of all, Ramota and Lande remind us that the formulas society imposes don’t determine what relationships can become – only the love between two people does. In trusting and celebrating each other’s dreams without restraint, they set an inspiring example of a joyous long-term commitment following nobody’s rules but their own cheerful hearts. Their journey so far proves that diverse models of healthy coupling beyond traditional norms not only can work, but spread much-needed love in the process.


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